Damien Villarosa

Director of Education
Damien has always had a passion for sport and education over the past 25 years. After high school he initially tried to pursue a career as an athlete in AFL and furthered his studies in Human Movement. Following the completion of this degree, Damien completed a Graduate Diploma in Education leading him become a secondary school teacher for 7 years both in Melbourne, the UK & Canada. He has since completed a Masters in Exercise Science, which linked him to completing High Performance, Strength & Conditioning and coaching roles in AFL (Richmond FC, Vic Metro and Calder Cannons), Netball (Netball Victoria) and also with athletes in Singapore.

For the past 10 years, Damien has worked in the vocational education space. He was tasked with starting Richmond Institute and creating the programs that we run. He enjoys providing students with opportunities to learn within an elite sporting environment. His current role focuses on forming and leading Richmond Institute staff to ensure we best meet student’s needs through delivering exciting programs.

Damien has travelled to over 100 countries which has played a big part in his personal development and growth as a person. Many of the programs and key concepts in Richmond Institute have been formed whilst travelling overseas.
