RISL students benefit from India experience

Richmond Institute of Sports Leadership (RISL) students have had an incredible opportunity to travel to India to put to work the skills they have developed during their 2018 sports leadership course.

in conjuction with Primitive Sports, running clinics, testing, screening and introducing AFL to over 600 students in Mumbai, are just a few of the activities the RISL students have been involved in on the trip beginning the first week of October.

Sessions with Reclink and the Oscar Foundation, who use sport and development sessions to motivate children from underprivileged homes, will provide the RISL students with life changing experiences as well as build on their professional development.

RISL, in partnership with Swinburne and Richmond Football Club, offers a unique pathway aimed at developing the next generation of leaders within the sports industry. Click here for more information or to register your interest for 2019.


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