Student Spotlight: Mitch

Current Diploma of Sport (Sport Development)/Diploma of Leadership and Management (SIS50319/BSB51918) student Mitch Tucker has been completing placment with one of Richmond Institute’s sports industry partners, O2 Events.

O2 Events look after the management of several events across swimming, bike and running events across the state.

These include the 2XU Triathlon Series, the Alpine Classic and the Great Ocean & Otway Classic Ride.

“My title is Event Operator at O2 events,” says Mitch.

“It varies from event to event, and given what position I am rostered in. However, I am usually with senior staff who will give me tasks throughout the day and the chance to shadow them to see how to run events.”

Since undertaking volunteer work with O2 Events, Mitch has been rewarded for his efforts with paid placement.

“Being offered the opportunity to go from being a volunteer to getting paid work was an amazing feeling,” he says.

“It was great to see that my hard work was paying off and a reminder that I was doing a good job.”

When asked how his placement had supported his professional growth, Mitch said that he could validate what he was passionate about.

“Getting experience in this field has made me aware that event management is something that I am very passionate about, and I now want to work in this field,” he says.

Throughout their course work, Richmond Institute students are provided with a range of different placement opportunities to help them to pinpoint what their passions within the sporting industry are.

Mitch highlighted the importance of taking on all available experiences and showing the potential you can bring to a workplace.

“You just have to give everything a go and be willing to go above and beyond,” he says.

“If you have a workplace opportunity, get there early, stay back late and offer your assistance whenever and however you can.

“I absolutely love this course, and it is the best experience of my life.”

Mitch continues to be an outstanding student who receives constant positive feedback from placement supervisors.


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